burden of choice

We can cope with quite any kind of situation once it emerges. The reaction is automatic, we just try to survive. The trouble begins with choice.

20th May 2024

Take a physical damage of some sort for example. If it happened and we could have not decided otherwise, nor could we have done anything about it, as soon as we overcome the emotional phase of sadness and self-pity we start to fight. It is not a mental torture. We do what is necessary to survive with little thinking about it. It was sudden, it was not planned, it is just here, and we must react.

But what if we have options? There comes a struggle. Who appreciates freedom, and no, I will not discuss the topic of free will, knows that it brings responsibility for own decisions. The fear of failure we will have to live with, paralyzes. Some decisions are easier because we can change the outcome, choose another way and start from scratch. But when it comes to situation "no return possible" then the real psychic torture starts. Expecially overthinkers know what I mean.

I came to realization that it is not worth it. Sure, we should gather all information available and make the best decision we can. But it is fine, whatever is an outcome we simply created the situation "it happened, just deal with it and survive".