foreign self

I have noticed many people change their voice when speaking foreign language. And what about one´s personality?

20th February 2024

Not that my alto would turn into bass or something like this, but there definitely is a shift in a voice pitch. I wonder whether it is because of another intonation. Different languages use different stress on different places. It could also be a consequence of another air stream through our vocal organs. Languages have their specifics. While speaking English or French will cause higher tone of my voice, Spanish will do opposite. I guess this effect is noticeable.

But can my personality be altered as well? In professional life English served as a mask for me. It was still me but not quite. I felt like I was playing a game. Would has it be the same in my native language? It sure would has. You need to act confidently and convincingly during business meeting and negotiation. Sometimes it is necessary to manipulate, which is totally strange to me. Nonetheless, it is my job like it or not.

In private encounters I am more quiet than usual. The reason is obvious, fear that I will not find proper words to express myself. And more, I could be misunderstood and offend someone.

So how is it? The voice pitch and intonation probably have nothing to do with personality traits.